Shahrestan Bridge
This bridge is located in the east of Isfahan and is an interesting piece of architecture. The same is a relic of the Sassanid period
Top Hotels near to Shahrestan Bridge
Top Tours You Can Visit Shahrestan Bridge

Wonders of Persia
Wonders of Persia, 10 days live in history. live in the culture. wonders of Persian land. a tour then lands
21/06/2017 - 30/12/2022

Culture and History of Iran
General Culture and History of Iran Culture and History of Iran. a culture with up to 7000 years old. a
15/08/2017 - 30/12/2022

Half of Iran
Half of Iran Tour, a 14 days tour in west and center of Iran. we going to visit 10 cities and town in
15/08/2017 - 30/12/2022