Siosepol Bridge
Si-o-see Pol Bridge is a stone double-deck arch bridge in Isfahan, Iran. It is also called Siose Bridge (which in Persian means “33 Bridge” or “Bridge of 33 Arches”) or Allah-Verdi Khan Bridge. Si-o-see Pol Bridge is built by the chancellor Allahverdi Khan Undiladze on commission from Shah Abbas whose chancellor he was.
Construction of the bridge began in 1599 and ended 1602. The bridge is long 298 meters and wide 13.75 meters. It has 33 spans from which it gets its name with the longest span of 5.6 meters, crosses Zayandeh River and is located at the southern end of Chahar Bagh Avenue.
The bridge has a large plane at the beginning of the bridge where Zayandeh River flows faster. There it has more arches making with that a suitable place for a tea house that can be accessed from the southern bank. There are two levels of arches. Lower level has 33 arches while upper has two arches above lower lever arch and one arch above the pier. The road that goes on the upper level is bounded by two high walls that protect travelers from winds and pedestrians that can walk there, from falling.
Si-o-see Pol Bridge is considered largest Iranian construction on the water.
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