페르시아 여행Persian Touring

회사 소개


Who We Are?

We are Persian Touring travel arrangement. we can arrange any travel services for you in Iran. Flight Tickets, Hotels, Tours, Guides, Transportations and any other services that you need for a nice trip to Iran. We are not the cheapest one, but we try our best to be the best one.

What Do We Do?

We try to give you a freedom with a wide choice for arrangeing your trip to Iran. We have some ready to use package, But we are flexible for our passengers choices. You can choose your hotel, type of your transfer, date and nights of your trip and type of it. and don’t worry for anything. We are here to arrange anything you need. So think to your dreams.

How Persian Touring Work?

We know that the travel to Iran is not so easy. So we try our best to make is as easiest and possible. We are in touch with you from your first contact to us till you finish your trip with us. We have online secure payment and you can use your credit cards for this. So you don’t need to carry a lot of cash for hotel booking and transfer payment.

Know More About Us

Travel Services

Persian Toruing arranges any travel services in Iran. We can book any hotels in Iran, Arrange any type of transfer, Buy any domestic or international flight ticket and all with online secure payment.

You can use our information for making a nice and easy trip to Iran. it doesn’t important that you booked any thing with us or NOT. We are ready to help. We are Iranian, The most hospitable people in the world

We don’t make any risk on your health. all of our services will do in the best way that available. we don’t compete anybody in price, but we are know that we can be best in quality.

여행자들은 무엇을 말하는가?

  • Renate Angermann 사이드
    정말 좋은 위치, 훌륭한 서비스, 항상 기억할 곳의 아름다움을 감상하십시오. 풍부하고 맛있는 아침 식사. 레스토랑은 전통적인 스타일로 매우 아름답습니다. 매우 세련되게 개조 된 객실.

    Kuhpa Caravanserai Isfahan 정보
  • 마르첼로 사이드
    나는 아라드 호텔에서 4 박을 머물렀고 테헤란 중심부에서 합리적인 가격을 찾는 사람에게 추천 할 것입니다. 친절한 직원, 아침 식사 포함, 클린 룸. 무엇을 더 요청할 수 있습니까?

    아라드 호텔 테헤란 살펴보기
  • 파 비즈 세 페리 사이드
    이 호텔에 몇 밤 동안 머물 렀으며 매우 좋았습니다! 직원들은 매우 친절하고 도움이되며 객실은 개조되었습니다. 나는 확실히 다음에 그녀를 유지하기로 선택하고 tabriz를 방문하는 다른 사람들에게 제안합니다.

    Shahryar International Hotel Tabriz 살펴보기
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Vahid ParsariCEO

Designer and Director of Persian Touring Website. CEO of Persian Touring team with ELMA, Next CEO of PT

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