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Ehsan Traditional Hotel Kashan is a clean and good quality three-star hotel in Kashan City. this hotel located near to Historical Bazaar of Kashan and Borujerdiha House.
Hotel Located in First of Fazel Naraqi Street, Kamalolmolk Square, Kashan.
Distance to Fin Garden is 18 minutes by car (8.2 km)
Distance to Tepe Sialk is 13 minutes by car (5.1 km)
Distance to Maranjab Desert is 1 hours 26 minutes by car (60.1 km)
Distance to Historical Bazaar of Kashan is 3 minutes by car (300 meters)
Distance to Sohrab Sepehri Tomb is 47 minutes by car (48.3 km)
Distance to Tabatabaei House is 4 minutes by car (1 km )
Distance to Borujerdiha House is 3 minutes by car (1 km)
Reservar con Persian Touring es muy fácil. Simplemente elija su hotel e ingrese su fecha, la cantidad de pasajeros y la cantidad de habitaciones. elija su habitación y complete el formulario de reserva. Recibirá la disponibilidad del hotel y los detalles de pago muy pronto.
Una vez que confirme la disponibilidad de su habitación, recibirá un enlace de pago con la guía de pago en su dirección de correo electrónico. Después de realizar su pago, recibirá la notificación de Reserva completa en su correo electrónico.
In your booking confirmation, you can see the hotel direct phone number. you can check it with the hotel
En realidad, puedes hacerlo. Pero no escribimos esta información en nuestro sitio web por motivos publicitarios.
Si. Antes de realizar el pago, puede rechazar su solicitud de reserva sin ningún cargo.
automatically your booking request will cancel in this way.
Si. Te sugerimos que hagas esto. Quizás necesite esta página en Visa Checking.
Jameh Mosque of Kashan is the most ancient historical building f the city and is established an even more ancient monument which according to some experts dates back to the pre-Islamic period. The mosque building is related to the early Islamic period and is older than other historical monuments in Kashan. This mosque has a
MÁSOne of the most important historical and visitable monuments in Kashan is the historical bazaar of Kashan that has included more than 40 historical buildings in itselfand its south entrance is Kamal al-Molk Square and its north entrance is the beginning of Darvazeh Dowlat Square. The historical bazaar in Kashan includes orders (the main path
MÁSThe complex is located in the alley of Sultan Amir and was built in 1252 Hijri year by late Haj Mohammad Ibrahim, one of the famous merchants in Kashan that was very rich in architecture and decorations and using available spaces and volumes. It is also unique in terms of traditional architecture. According to the
MÁSTabatabaei House is the architecture masterpiece of Kashan. It is one of the most beautiful and elegant historical monuments of Kashan, which is located in Sultan Amir Ahmad Neighborhood. This house was built by Seyed Jafar Tabatabei, one of the well-known merchants of that time, in 1250 AH. It was designed by Ali Maryam Kashani,
MÁS800-year-old Kashan’s Ameri House with an area of 9000 square meters building site and 12000 square meters standing property, houses 85 rooms and 7 courtyards. It is the largest historical house in Iran. This house has the highest wind catcher among other wind catchers of Kashan’s houses. Ameri House has been bequeathed to the private
MÁSThe said premises is located in Kashan and was constructed during the years 1292-1310 AH. by ‘Haj Seyed Jaffar Natanzi’ a merchant who conducted business in Borujerd and Kashan as well. He constructed this house in order to evade religious levies. The entrance to the premises is from an octagonal vestibule and an area utilized